Thursday 28 April 2011

settling in.

It's unbelievable to realize I've been living in London for just over a month already. It doesn't feel like I've been here forever or barely at all. It feels like I'm living in an alternative universe, some sort of dream state I'm going to wake up from, or some other person's life altogether that I just suddenly woke up into one day and started living. I feel like I'm constantly reminding myself that I'm here, in London, and then I start smiling to myself like some loony. Aside from those odd behavioral moments, I feel like I'm adjusting to life here quite easily. Perhaps I'm just reaffirming what I've always known about how much I adore London. I heard this quote once from Gertrude Stein that has always resonated with me: "America is my country, but Paris is my hometown." That sums up pretty much exactly how I feel about London, ever more so in the few weeks that I've been here.

And it's always the very random little things that seem to remind me I'm not in California anymore. The week before Easter I went away with the parish I'm volunteering with on a holiday to the seaside (a whole adventure in itself for a later blog entry). It was quite an odd feeling upon returning to think I was on my way home... to  London. It was like returning from one vacation right back into another...except, I'm not on vacation, I live here. The truth of that is still sinking in.